As the ELC Aluminium Inc.family, with our half century of industrial experience we have adopted environmentally friendly approaches and focused on protecting our employees and the environment by creating safe work areas. We continue on our way with the principle of ‘Green Aluminum Green Worl’ to leave a more livable world to future generations.
Within the scope of the Producing Cities Thematic Support Program we are carrying out the GREEN ALUMINIUM PROJECT to reduce carbon Emission with the support of Oran Development Agency and TÜBİTAK Marmara Research Center
Due to the importance given to renewable energy. We produced 40% of the electricity we consumed within our own structure with the Solar Energy System (SPP)that we commissioned
We focused on recording our environment and employees with the ISO 14001 Environmental Management System and ISO 45001 Occupational Health and Safety Management System
Instead of wooden wedges designed as a result of the innovation studies carried out within ELC Aluminium we used polymer wedges that are recyclable have limited C emissions are not harmful to nature and can be recycled.
We made improvements in our production lines within the scope occupational health and safety with the risk analyzes we conducted on production basis.
In order to follow the suggestions ans complaints of our employees more closely we placed wish complaint and suggestion boxes at designated points in our production line.
In order to ensure the occupational safety of our employees and to prepare our employees for possible emergencies we regularly carry out Emergency Drills in our company every year.